Jonah had his first T-ball game today - well, it was really a scrimmage, but considering he got all dressed up in his uniform with his new cleats, it might as well have been a "real" game. He'd been looking forward to this day since the first day of practice. He got a piece of the ball his first time at bat, got a hit the second time, and struck out the third time. Thank God he was having fun and managed to pay attention to the game and to what his coach was saying (how many of you remember the story of him chasing his shadow during his soccer game when he was 4?). I saw pleasure in his Daddy's eyes when Jonah exhibited a fair amount of athleticism, and Mommy was pleased at how cute he looked. As we embark on another extracurricular adventure, I pray that the excitement we all felt today will last as long as Jonah's desire to play - and I pray that he can reuse his uniform next season 'cause it wasn't cheap!
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