Sunday, August 12, 2007

E.A.S.Y. Does It

The Secret of the Baby Whisperer is the best book ever! We started reading through this book again out of desperation. We have slowly implemented some of the suggestions with great results. The first step involves putting them on a schedule. It's a flexible schedule that takes into account how newborns eat, sleep and play. The E. stands for Eat, A for activity, S for sleep and Y for You (Mommy/Daddy Time). It has been an answer to our prayers. Jedidiah follows the EASY schedule but Jack is more of a ESAY baby. He prefers to have activity before eating.

Now we understand more or less how the day will go. This makes life so much easier.

Next, we decided to tackle the dreaded bedtime. For several weeks it was a marathon getting the twins to sleep. Most days it started at 9 pm and ended between 1-2 am. Now we keep them up after 7 pm until about 10. They have slowly learned how to soothe themselves to sleep (another tip from the book) and we are happy to report that two days in a row they have both been asleep before 11 pm. We top them off a few minutes after that. Then both usually sleep for 4 hours straight with a couple feedings during the night.

The next task is breaking the night feedings. The book recommends using a pacifier at night if the babies are over 10 pounds because they don't really need to eat - they want be soothed by feeding. So last night at 4:15, I gave Jack a pacifier. After about 20 minutes he fell asleep until the morning feeding. Jack actually skipped a feeding. That's a small miracle.

The Baby Whisperer Rocks!

P.S. It is 10:09 p.m. and all four boys are sound asleep.

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