Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Together Again

After 12 hours at the Queen of the Valley Emergency Room yesterday, Jack was transported to the same room his brother occupied at Miller's Children's Hospital PICU. Jedidiah began the day at the PICU annex. Josephine and I have been splitting time at these two locations. I slept in the annex and she in the PICU. After a short break today I returned to the annex to see Jed's crib missing. He was moved to general pediatrics - the last step before going home. I visited Jack next in the PICU and was told he was also moving to peds and would share the same room as his brother. Jack arrived about and hour ago and if I understand their squeekin' and gruntin', they have greeted each other already and are happy to be reunited.

Josephine was gone when all the moving transpired. She took Jonah to graduation practice this afternoon. When she returns it will be nice to spend time with her and the twins.

So we expect that the twins will be going home by the weekend. We are eagerly looking forward to that day.


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