James, the little helper that he is, helped me unload the car from a Target run last Friday. He was in charge of putting away the ranch dressing and the two-pack of toothpaste. I found the ranch in the refrigerator, but the toothpaste was no where to be found. Yes, LOST. And we were already out of toothpaste. I asked James where he put the toothpaste, and for the past three days his response has been one of the following:
1) He would avoid eye contact, shrug his shoulders, and continue what he was doing.
2) He'd make a beeline to his room, waste about 5 minutes in there doing who knows what, and return with the reply of "I don't know, Mom."
3) He'd open and close the same drawer in the kitchen about 2 times, and check "underneath" the closest (and smallest) baby toy. Isn't it obvious that two boxes of toothpaste CAN'T be hidden by a rattle?
So, we'd resorted to using the kids' toothpaste, and may I say that the flavor of "Fruit Pursuit" leaves A LOT to be desired - I always chase it with a one minute swish of mouthwash so my teeth feel somewhat clean.
But today, what was LOST is now found. The toothpaste was, in fact, in the kitchen drawer that James had kept opening and closing, but it was under the box of Ziploc freezer bags. I won't even ask him WHY it was under the Ziplocs, let alone in the drawer. I'll just look forward to fresh breath and another new episode this Thursday night.
THATS my boy!
anonymous is......... Tracy :)
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